The Gebhard Family is ministering to unreached people in West Africa with the partnership of Westside Christian Church and Pioneer Bible Translators.
Established upon the principal found in Exodus 17 where God’s people need the assistance of others, ARM has chosen the servant position of Aaron, holding up the needs of our Apache brothers and sisters as the Lord leads.
The American Indian Christian Mission has the privilege of ministering to Navajo and Apache children from two of the largest Indian Reservations in Arizona.
Yavapai Territorial Gospel Rescue provides homes for women and children. A variety of resources are available to help the women and their kids get back on their feet, with Jesus at the center of it all.
International Biblical Training strives to teach, train, and minister to people all over the world. Their goal is to help nationals reach Jesus in their country and spread the gospel message.
The purpose for New Song is to offer men who are enslaved by addiction or life crisis a place where they can learn to overcome destructive cycles through the power and love of Jesus Christ.