In a very real sense Westside Christian Church has “no creed but Christ, no book but the Bible.” Our unity is based on our faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and upon our conviction that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. The New Testament Scriptures are the authoritative rule of faith and practice for the Christian Church.
We Believe:
- GOD is the Creator of our world and the Sustainer and Lord of our lives. He is our Heavenly Father.
- JESUS CHRIST is God in the flesh, the only Begotten Son of God, our Savior and Lord. Through faith in Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, God opens the way to abundant and eternal life to all those who receive Jesus as the Christ, and submit to Him as Lord.
- The HOLY SPIRIT is God himself living inside each Believer, guiding, encouraging, and transforming us in the way of God, and into the likeness of Christ.
- CHRISTIAN BAPTISM - We believe in water baptism as an outward sign of an inward experience for those who have by faith, received the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.
- THE LORD’S SUPPER - We celebrate the Lord’s Supper (Communion) each Sunday. In partaking regularly of the elements that represent the broken and shed blood of Jesus Christ, we remember the Lord’s sacrifice for us, and our relationship with God is strengthened.
- FREEDOM IN CHRIST – We seek a unity of understanding in the essentials of our faith, yet we do not suggest that we must agree on all things relative to our daily walk in Christ. The New Testament teaches that the Holy Spirit gives various gifts (abilities) to members of the Body so that every member may contribute to the effective ministry of the entire church. We do not presume to dictate one’s private worship practices, yet for the sake of harmony and unity of the Body, we do not practice what is commonly called “speaking in tongues” in our public worship. Prayer is powerful and essential, and every Believer should daily offer before God fervent prayers of praise, petition, confession and thanksgiving.
- STEWARDSHIP – Jesus taught, “Where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.” We understand that everything we have and are belongs to God. We teach Christian stewardship, and that God expects wise management of our resources. We encourage the tithe as the standard.
- MISSIONS – As free and independent churches under Christ, we determine our own policies in light of Biblical principles. We voluntarily cooperate with other Christian groups in fulfilling the Lord’s great commission. Since all persons stand in need of God’s saving grace, the Church exists to reach out to the world. Therefore, we give 20% of all un-designated funds to mission-minded ministries. We designate a percentage of that locally, statewide, and internationally to support the work of dedicated missionaries.
- OUR LORD’S RETURN – God, who created the Heavens and the Earth, will one day bring life on Earth to a conclusion. While accepting various understandings of how God will bring this about, we are confident that Christ will come again and call all His own – both the living and the dead – to Himself.